Manchester United recognises the importance of minimising its environmental footprint and has designated energy conservation as a key organisational objective.

Reflecting its importance, responsibility for the development of an energy policy and programme has been designated to a board member, Richard Arnold Managing Director.

Manchester United will maintain and build upon energy & carbon emission reductions achieved by the energy and carbon reduction strategy.

Through an Environmental Management Action Group, chaired by the Club’s Director, Manchester United will assign the responsibilities for implementing the energy policy and delivering objectives to designated management and staff.

Again, through the Environmental Management Action Group, Manchester United will instigate energy conservation within working procedures and staff duties.

Manchester United will maintain a staff awareness campaign and promote positive involvement. The achievements and progress will be cascaded by designated Lead/Deputy Lead Representatives and reports to the Environmental Management Action Group.

Manchester United will include energy management awareness within staff inductions and training programmes.

Manchester United will include energy full life-cycle costing, including energy costs, within equipment procurement and procedures.

Manchester United will monitor energy performance and publish as necessary information on progress towards achieving the reduction targets.

Manchester United will review performance and objectives regularly at executive level.

This policy will continue to be reviewed at least annually, and will be brought to the attention of all employees and made available to all stakeholders including the general public via our website or on request.

Authorised by R Arnold,
Group Managing Director
Manchester United Limited

Ver 4 - 01/08/17